Gian Paolo Brama’s commercial agricultural farm “Truffles of the Castle” is situated at Atri, in the Municipality of Cascia, but also extends into the towns of Montefalco and Sellano, born from the passion and memories handed down from his ancestors.
Love for the land, respect for the woods, passion for the animal world, together create a great union and as a consequence we are happily consumed in our work.
Truffles of the Castle is a small company with passion and tenacity. Today, as well in the past, we are dedicated to the production of oil, legumes, cereals, saffron and the collecting of wild mushrooms
Gian Paolo Brama, to this day, continues to personally deal with all the various aspects that make up the activities of the farm " Tartufi del Castello “, and with the same love and care
" Truffles of the Castle “ gives birth to the passion of living in an extraordinary context: contact with the earth, water, wind and with the benefits received from the sun and with the seasons, all in harmony with the vegetation, with the animals and in constant equilibrium with the lunar phases.
Giuseppe Brama created and instilled in the company the philosophy that is still the secret of its success.
It goes well with other foods; It has become more and more a product much sought after.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The oil is obtained from olives mechanically, has not suffered any chemical manipulation, but only the washing of the fruit along with sedimentation and filtration
The company carefully cultivates also mushrooms, spices, pulses and cereals.
In defining truffles it is fundamental and our duty to divide each into various types. For each variety of truffles, there is an important factor in the seasonal pattern that gives rise to its grade, even if collected in the same area. Different products exist both in terms of organoleptic aspects and under its morphological and chemical appearance.
Tuber Magnatum Pico
(white truffle)
Tuber Melanosporum Vitt.
(black truffle)
Tuber Macrosporum Vitt.
(smooth black truffle)
Tuber Mesentericum Vitt.
(ordinary black truffle)
Tuber brumale Vitt.
(black winter truffle or black tuber)
Tuber Uncinatum Chatin
(hooked truffle)
Tuber Borchii Vitt, o Tuber Albidum Pico
(whitebait or Marzuolo truffle)
Tuber Aestivum Vitt.
(summer truffles or scorzone)
Tuber brumale var. moschatum De Ferry
(truffle muscatel)
The farm "Truffles of the Castle" by Gain Paolo Brahma, is located in the municipalities of Cascia, Norcia, Trevi and Sellano, and in these areas you can find several species of truffles.
Truffles of the Castle
The research and the collection of truffles are absolutely successful with the help of the dog, considering the weather conditions and moon phases. It is necessary and responsible on the part of the truffle hunter to restore the excavated soil after removing the tuber, so as not to cause damage to the truffle.
Other types of products are extra virgin olive oil, legumes, cereals, saffron, porcini mushrooms and Turrini mushrooms.
Supply of Truffles
Below you will find the framework of the existing types of truffles, the same, we at Tartufi del Castello are able to provide for the respect that we have for the law and the territory in which it operates, must be considered available for sale only those types of truffle , in this cart , report next to " AVAILABLE " the period coinciding at the moment in which is located to perform. In essence , through this section , we propose ONLY fresh truffles , with superior quality and always at the lowest price in the market .
— It is not binding purchase — Price Quotation
Many activities
"Truffles of the Castle" by Gian Paolo Brama, carries out various activities, and among these, the most important is the collection and sale of truffles. The company is also involved in the collection of olives and the production of an extra virgin olive oil which is perfect use in the preparation of the truffle. The same extra virgin olive oil used by the Brama family and produced by olive trees planted in existence well before the era of his maternal grandparents Adele and Basilio (Pompilio). In addition, the farm produces in small quantities some legumes such as lentils, spelt, barley, saffron and roveja.
The vitamins are considered to be bio-regulators, that is, substances that regulate and coordinate cellular metabolism and organ function. They are divided into FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS, when they are dissolved in fats, and WATER-SOLUBLE VITAMINS when they are dissolved in water. The vitamins are not found in nature, but are elements that, thanks to the diet, the body is able to synthesize. To remember that a deficiency of vitamins is defined HYPOVITAMINOSIS, while in the case of a complete lack defines AVITAMINOSIS.
Truffles of the Castle
The following passages stem from the passion and generous land in which we live and the origins of all the products we offer. Torre Cammoro is the tiny village, located in the municipality of Sellano, from which, in 1860, was begins the story of our company, but only thanks to the quality of products of the surrounding territories. "Tartufi del Castello" can boast of what it has become today: known as a company with roots in the whole area, in continual growth with trade links to other European countries and beyond. In honor of this wonderful land we have devoted a large section divided by municipalities where in each of these, we give a comprehensive description of historical and socio-naturalistic facts also accompanied by photographic material, all by Mr. Gian Paolo Brama. Beautiful countries and territories to visit and to live fully.
Situated on a hill dominated by Mount Subasio, in a splendid position overlooking the Umbrian Valley, situated along the rivers of Chiascio, Topino and Tescio. Assisi draws its origins from a small village inhabited by the Umbrians stemming back from the Villanoviano Period, as shown by numerous remains found from that period in the surrounding territories. A city founded by the Umbrians, however, developed near the territories controlled by the Etruscans...read more
The center, located on a hill in the eastern edge of the Valley of Spoleto, is known since ancient times for its springs: the Clitunno Springs, praised by Virgilio to Giosuè Carducci. The territory already inhabited in Umbrian times from 434 BC by the Etruscans, was never dominated by a unique and important urban settlement, but was made up of, (as it still is today), by numerous small villages and castles scattered throughout the countryside and in the woods...read more
Cascia sits on the hill of St. Augustine (skimmed by the winding stream of the river Corno) surrounded by the green mountains on a strip of the Apennine Mountains) to the south of the Sibillini Mountains. The city of Cascia along with Assisi, (San Francesco), is known throughout the world as the place which is the birthplace of St. Rita of Cascia. An ancient center established by the Italic people of ancient Italy...continua a leggere
Set on a hill a few kilometers from Spoleto, Castel Ritaldi’s history followed closely the historical events that affected Spoleto. Since the time of the Romans, it was assigned the hub center for defense, fortified within city walls and towers. Along with Spoleto, therefore, for better or for worse, it prospered under the Roman Empire and was destroyed at the fall of the Roman Empire, and from the....read more
Cerreto di Spoleto, located on a limestone hill, the San Sebastian, between the Nera River and the Vigi river, surrounded by a forest of oak (cerreto in Italian is oak forest hence comes the name). The town sits guarded by the Valnerina (Nera Valley), placed strategically and with panoramic views. This enviable and defensible position, in the medieval period, made it the subject of bitter disputes between Spoleto and Norcia...read more
Foligno, located in the southeastern margin of the Umbrian Valley, on the left bank of the Topino River, has ancient origins. Traces of human presence date back to Neolithic times, as documented by archaeological finds in Belfiore, others from the Iron Age, found in Annifo (a Necropolis) and early Christian tombs were found in the Madonna del Fosso. It was a thriving Umbrian town favored by its geographical position...read more
"The railing of 'Umbria" (La Ringhiera di Umbria) is what Montefalco is referred to due to its unique position overlooking the Topino and Clitunno Rivers and was already a thriving rural center in the Roman Age. Numerous relics epigraphic and sculptural (the Municipal Museum, a cloister of San Fortunato, etc.) still testify to its origins. Evangelized in the fourth century by San Fortunato, Coccorone...read more
Set on a hill along the valley of the river Corno, near the border and the province of Rieti. Monteleone di Spoleto has its ancient origins as shown by archaeological findings unearthed near the town; in the Colle del Capitano a burial ground from the Bronze Age and a chariot of the sixth century B.C., perfectly preserved, now on display at the...read more
Set in the heart of the Valnerina (Nera Valley) and the Sibillini Mountains National Park, and in the highlands of the Plains of Santa Scolastica, crowned by the Apennine Mountains culminating in the spectacular thrashing view of the Sibillini Mountains. Norcia has seen the settlement of its territory as early as the Lower Paleolithic Period and the Middle Neolithic Period...read more
Poggiodomo is located nearly a thousand feet high above sea level, on the eastern slopes of Mount Coscerno, in the upper valley of the River Tissino. The center of town was until Xl century part of the Lombard Duchy of Spoleto. Its geographical location has established Poggiodomo over the centuries as an ideal place to meditate and to seclude oneself, becoming a destination for monks, hermits and mystics...read more
Located on the left side of the small Castoriana Valley in Valnerina, we find Preci already mentioned in the Books of Dialogorum from 594 A.D., written by St. Gregory, for the presence of numerous pre-Benedictine hermitages. In 1232, we find Preci mentioned in archival documents and probably the first settlement was built near a Benedictine Chapel which almost certainly took the name: “Preces”, meaning, prayer...read more
Located on the south side of the Vigi River Valley, which concludes its run at the Nera Valley (la Valnerina). Sellano, according to legend, was founded in 84 B.C. by some followers of Silla (hence the name) had found refuge, after battling Spoleto, in the place where Silla is located today. In the Middle Ages, due to its strategic geographical position, was ruled by the Lombards and thus included in the...read more
Set on a hill at the foot of Monteluco, near the River Tessino, in the lower edge of the Valle Umbra, Spoleto is an ancient town, inhabited since prehistoric times, as documented by archaeological finds within its territory. In the Iron Age, remains of walls and tombs were found under the cathedral, Center of the Foundation of Umbra, at the time of the Sannitiche Wars, Spoleto was Romanized in the fourth...read more
Trevi perched on a the foot of the hilltop of Mount Serano, surrounded by a sea of green olive trees, dominating the Spoleto Valley crossed by a stretch of the river Clitunno. Trevi was the center of the Umbrian foundation, mentioned by Plinio as well as Trebiae. They both recalled Trevi as one of the the most ancient towns of Umbria, located in the place where now stands the village of Pietrarossa. Trevi became a Roman Municipium...read more
Truffles of the Castle
Tel: (+39) 334.1901501 - (+39) 339.4596042
Loc. Atri n°16
06043 - Cascia (PG)